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 Welcome to our 27th year of Teaching 


Trackways was established in 1995 and has inspired and taught thousands of people from all ages and backgrounds: individuals, families, schools and businesses.

Trackways teaches a wide range of skills from basic Bushcraft courses, Wildcraft Survival, Tracking, Nature Connection & Awareness and the Shamanic wilderness Spirit work.


These courses are about discovering the skills that make us feel at home on the Earth, they awaken a strong innate connection to nature and open our lives to the adventure of the great out doors.

Trackways was founded by Thomas Schorr-kon in 1995 and has been at the forefront of sharing these skills in the U.K. Thomas brings an expert level of skill and experience to his teaching.He is a published author  with his first book 'True Nature' available on Amazon. His second book 'From B to A  hacking the flow state in Love,Life, Work and Parenting', was recently published.


Thomas has trained with the renowned Medicine Tracker Tom Brown Jr. over the past 20 years. Returning regularly to the Tracker school to continue his training. Thomas was previously involved in teaching Ancient English woodland crafts from 1992. He has also trained with indigenous people and other medicine teachers. Through extensive personal training and research he has developed a deep understanding for the full spectrum of skills associated with Earth living. He has also trained as a martial artist since the age of 8.


"The approach that is taught is one of moving towards oneness with nature. To ultimately be able to survive with no modern tools or equipment". Can you thrive in the wilderness? The 7 month intensive is one of the most challenging bushcraft courses the U.K. has to offer. Challenge Yourself Now! Book survival training at


Trackways was the first survival school in the U. K. to offer a year course now the 7 month intensive teaching the full spectrum of skills required for survival living. Thomas Schorr-kon brought the skills of Nature connection to the U.k. from the Tracker school. 

Trackways was also the first to offer these skills to families and schools with the creation of the family camp in 2000. 


Trackways has inspired and mentored many other teachers and inspired the creation of many other survival schools. (See links for other schools). If you are interested in teaching for Trackways then you can sign up for our Teachers register please contact us for details.



 We now have course gift vouchers these are valid for one year from the date of purchase either for a one day course or a full weekend. 


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